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Miami (and in particular, South Beach) has declared itself the Most Fabulous Spot in the US. As evidence, it cites the recently restored pastel-riot of the Deco District, a friendly neighborhood feel and a fledgling art and culture scene looking for a sunny alternative to New York. And of course there's Miami Beach itself, a glorious stretch of white sand lapped by clear blue water. The heart of all this newfound fashionableness is Ocean Drive, flanked on the east by the city's hippest beach and the west by a string of sidewalk cafes. This is where the late Gianni Versace lived, and his acolytes still throng here to pose waifishly over rocket salad. Miami also has the world's most beautiful swimming hole, the Venetian Pool
Venetian Pool Venetian Pool
The unique and picturesque water park, Venetian Pools, is truly a one-of-a-kind attraction. This public swimming pool, chiseled out of a coral rock quarry in the 1920s, looks like a natural rock formation, except that no natural rock formation could be so perfectly suited to human enjoyment. This historical landmark is a work of art with its gushing fountains, coral caves and waterfalls. The 820,000 gallons of cool, refreshing spring water are replaced daily.
Deering Estate Deering Estate
From the Tequesta Indians to the pioneers of the 1890s to Deering himself, this area of Cutler was a prime location for settlement. Just off of Biscayne Bay, this unique natural setting is home to many rare plants, tropical hammocks and endangered land forests. Today, you can tour the historic Stone House and the Richmond Cottage or explore the areas at the Environmental Center museum.
CocoWalk CocoWalk
The atmosphere on this shopping and dining strip rivals Ocean Drive or Lincoln Road for energy, but unlike some of Miami's heavily trafficked shopping areas, CocoWalk also retains the quaint flavor of a small village. Dozens of shops and restaurants line the street. Live entertainment appears periodically, and minstrels wander the streets.
Miami Art Museum Miami Art Museum
Supported by both private and public funding, Miami Art Museum is recognized as a "Major Cultural Institution" by the state of Florida. The museum features exhibits of contemporary works, primarily from the 1940s to the present, as well as collections of art from other historical periods. The museum also offers lectures, hands-on workshops and cultural studies courses.

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